Henna: Dyeing Your Hair Naturally Part 1 – Preparing Your Dye

Welcome beautifuls! Are you ready to eliminate all those chemicals from your life? How much do you think your body will thank you for not constantly making it fight every time you get a touch-up?! Maybe like me, you have not been able to have fun with your hair because you didn’t want to damage it or have all those chemicals on it. If so, this is for you! Who says you can’t have fun naturally?

For those who may be wondering, yes, henna is VERY permanent. You can get it to fade with various natural methods, including using baking soda, a vitamin C mask, or oil. However, it takes many treatments to get the color to lighten.

Why is this? Because when you apply the dye it raises the hair cuticle and actually gets inside and binds to the keratin in the hair. In order to get it out you have to get inside. My personal experience has found the Vitamin C mask to be the most effective. I am a natural blonde, and working to see if I can get back to my natural color. I hope to do a post on it soon.

If you are still wanting to give it a go,  I will be going over the beginning steps of dyeing your hair naturally by demonstrating how to prepare your henna dye in the video below. The color is a beautiful red, and will slowly darken over time, just like it does on the skin. If you wish to have the more intense color, don’t wash with soap for a couple of days.  So have fun! Have questions? Leave them below!!

Quick overview about Henna’s benefits!

Henna improves overall hair health and strength, reduces hair loss, has anti-aging properties, helps improve nail health, protects skin against infection and inflammation, helps relieve headaches, and improves spleen and liver detoxification to name a few!

Caution! This does not apply to “black henna” which actually is not real henna and is full of chemicals.

Watch part 2 here on the process of actually applying it to your hair!

Hope this video was helpful! Comment below , and feel free to share any other natural products you would like reviews on!



Links for exploring henna facts and variations:


The Fine Art of Dying Your Hair with Henna

Pure Henna